Sunday, September 21, 2008

Search For Peace

This post is one which I m been trying to write from a long time. Well what is it. When “I” die- will bring more happiness in a person’s life. Human Brain is so biased towards self. It always require people to forgive it when it goes wrong and commands for justice (when other do same thing) when others do wrong or injustice to it. It is always there in a person’s blood to be self-seeking person. This is actually not a mistake to a certain level. Well I am absolutely not an exception to it and no one is exception.Even before this post got a nice comment from my friend on ma topic. When “I” Dies from the person’s mind it will surely have good impact in his life. 

The feeling of “I” increases the materialistic desires present in a person’s life. Well we need to have ambitions desires aims and we need to be focused towards it but the materialistic desires in a person’s life should be reduced. Well being a sensitive issue I cannot dig in it what kind of desires can a person have. Materialistic desires are just egoistic desire. All of us live constantly meeting a variety of experiences, and at each incident, we perceive, react and come to act in the outer field with other people. In this process, we unwittingly increase our egoistic desires. The gap between our subjective mind and objective mind is filled with these egoistic desires. 

When the gap between this objective mind and subjective mind is nullified, is the situation that “I” has died in you. This will increase the happiness in you, providing you with good health all your lifetime. Well from “Bhagawad geeta” If you happen to see a mirror and u don’t see your image reflected , it is not that the mirror is not reflecting, a layer of dust may be covering it that you could not see the reflection, once you clean the mirror the reflection comes alive. So is the coordination between subjective and objective mind is been filled by dirt which has to been cleaned. Which one of the way is spiritualism. Well other is yoga.

Reality, in current turmoil each person in some way considered to be self-seeking by other. Yes it has been a difficult place to survive and fittest will survive, and some kind of symbiotic relationship is needed for one person with other for existence. This will bring in a thought that, that (other) person is self seeking. True on a way and false on the other way. A deadlock. At the end we all lead a life for comfort and luxury forgetting the true comfort. Leaving behind all peace and we all pursue in search for peace.

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