WE DO not belong to any religion or caste. We are bound not by gods or myths, but by a distinct set of living practices. Religion is nothing but a distinct way of living and caste is simply your present job. Doesn't it sound strange?
Does treating religion or caste from this new perspective bring any difference? The answer is `yes.' A strong binding to the religion or caste may make some blind. Though none of the holy books speaks of violence required to safeguard the image of their religion, some selfish leaders promote it to bring a mad unity among masses for self elevation. This madness has massacred many innocents in various communal riots in India. The same madness has destroyed invaluable glorious monuments and constructions.
The human civilization began thousands of years ago. It underwent many turmoils and raises and finally resulted in today's societal life. People living in a specified geographical region followed a set of practices. These regions were highly isolated. Each of these specific groups formed one religion. To create a cordial environment, the people in that group set some rules and regulations. They also followed systematic practices. So, logically, religion is a distinct way of living followed by a section of people.
Society is composed of people with different attitudes. It accommodates people from diversified races, income levels, age groups, etc. Living together needs some discipline. A societal life demands a lot of self controls. This is akin to following the traffic rules. Violation of traffic rule by one results in accidents to many. It disrupts the traffic and creates chaos at crossroads.
In olden days, science was communicated to the people in the name of god. For example, Hindus use turmeric in daily life. Turmeric possesses anti-bacterial properties and kills harmful microbes. This message could not be communicated to people with a scientific reason. People were not educated to believe that micro organisms also exist with us. Therefore, turmeric was always associated with goddesses. Its use was promoted by projecting it as a symbol of divinity. Similarly, Muslims fast during the month of Ramzan. This commits them to bind to their decision firmly. Not taking water and food during the day enhances their tolerance. Though all these are practised in the name of god, they have scientific reasons to justify.
Similar practices exist in all religions. Some people like the living practices followed by others and shift to that. It need not necessarily be changing religion. When we think that we are not bound by a religion but by a set of living practices, we start searching for good practices in other communities also. If we appreciate a practice followed by others, we can simply adopt it. There is no reason to hesitate. Ultimately, what we want is `a set of best living practices.'
Our society believes that the character of a person is governed by his caste. Basing on the past examples, society has standardized or productized the behaviors of people belonging to a particular caste.
The caste system evolved long back. People took up different activities to make their village self-sufficient. The activities were selected basing on their interest and skill. Barter system allowed them to exchange their services and products. As joint family system was in vogue and society was introverted, the new generation adopted the same skills from their parents. This balanced artisan system has continued for centuries and is still continuing in many villages.
Logically, "what job you are in" decides your caste. If the same logic applies today, then the new castes are bankers, software engineers, lawyers, doctors, pilots, politicians, etc. Probably, these new castes will not erode anyone's dignity of labour. Even if it does, then the next generation has the flexibility of changing their caste. A lawyer's son completes the medicine course and since then his caste name is `Doctors.'
A person needs to be judged based on his own behaviour, not by his caste or religion. In this liberalized and urbanized world, people are no longer living in closed societies. Nuclear families, immigration, cyber friendship, International TV channels contribute a lot to multi-cultural behavior in humans.
The religion or caste system should bring harmony among humans rather than ripping them apart.
Needless to say, this concept is utopian. However, a small thought process towards this would make us realize how self-centric and narrow-minded we are. One step towards this ideology is sufficient for building a peaceful and fearless society on earth.