he topic which had much discussion, more than what was ever there, the one which had many cases filed and also won in it, It is none other than CHILD Labour.
It is been said that almost all child are provided with education,but many are found doing work rather than getting educated. Education of masses and creating awarness are the only means to achieve better society.
Well when why are'nt these child works doent go to school. Is'it that they dont education or due to poverty of there place of birth. It is basically poverty of the place of birth.
Acttually a scheme was intoduced in such a way that if the child is sent to school the family will be paid some money, a good scheme but we,wow wat a intelligence BUNK, CUT, go give attendance and come back as guided by their father and go to work for additional work. I dont know wheather this scheme is still there.
A direct photo of a boy in school dress found working, Painting of LORD Ganesha.Good work but he was introduced by to work by his father. Umbrella making and other small activities which he does with great creativeness.
But from where they learn it??.A creative mind is what is required and tested in person in any aspects if they are so creative then if developed they are the source of betterment of the country.In creativity lies the future.
If poverty exists, Child is not sent to school rather he is been sent to a job, to eradicate poverty education is must, so what is the solution. Awarness in each and every parent that education is the only means which can help their children to lead a better life in future.
Only way to come out of this deadlock.
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