We do not belong to any religion or caste. We are bound not by gods or myths, but by a distinct set of living practices. Religion is nothing but a distinct way of living and caste is simply your present job. Doesn't it sound strange?
Does treating religion or caste from this new perspective bring any difference? The answer is `yes.' A strong binding to the religion or caste may make some blind. Though none of the holy books speaks of violence required to safeguard the image of their religion, some selfish leaders promote it to bring a mad unity among masses for self elevation. This madness has massacred many innocents in various communal riots in India. The same madness has destroyed invaluable glorious monuments and constructions.
The human civilisation began thousands of years ago. It underwent many turmoils and raises and finally resulted in today's societal life. People living in a specified geographical region followed a set of practices. These regions were highly isolated. Each of these specific groups formed one religion. To create a cordial environment, the people in that group set some rules and regulations. They also followed systematic practices. So, logically, religion is a distinct way of living followed by a section of people.
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