I heard about a cancer which a woman had had, considered incurable by many doctors and hospitals here was saved by my uncle. Wow what an effort.
The lady met my uncle when she was said that you can be cured, but when she met this oncologist she had developed a ray of hope in her mind with the confident speech of the doctor. Boosting the confidence in a patient is one of the important duties of a doctor. Well done and the first step in curing her was done.
He analyses the patient and found his patient suffering from psedomyxoma peritoni. As said before this case was rejected by many hospitals the oncologist with the use of special drugs which acts on the cancer cell leaving behind normal cells. So the cancer cells were targeted leaving the normal cells untouched.
Along with a crew of Doctors they decided to remove the cancer from the body. So the call for the hour was to go for a surgery. During the course of the operation this doctor was monitoring the cancer very dutifully and applied chemotherapy when needed so that the treatment gets carried to the intricate parts effectively.
And finally the patient was cured. The patient was aged 71 and she felt very happy to have been back on normal condition after removal of about 15 kg jelly like substance which was collected in her body.
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