Monday, October 27, 2008

Believe in God

There is God and He is the creator is something that can neither be proved right nor proved wrong. But those who have belief in the statement that there is God enjoy

(a) "security" by constantly relating to Him through various religious rituals and nurturing the bond with time improving the feeling of security;

(b) certain discipline that all religions teach and thus gain control over one's sense organs. Following the discipline and rituals alone makes one capable of leading his life harmoniously with the rest of the creation.

Beyond proper understanding of the scriptures and the laws of karma or its equivalent, it is important to develop unshakable faith in the Lord. Faith without this knowledge will fail at times of serious adversity. It will make one question the existence of the Lord and His sense of fairness when one sees good happening to bad people and bad to good people.

It is certainly helpful for one to believe in God, constantly relate to him through religious rituals and gain a secured feeling.

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