Monday, November 17, 2008

Liverpool or Everton

After the split between Liverpool and Everton over the rent of Anfield the rivalry has always been very intense in the league cups between the two teams. When these two teams play it is almost a very intense fight.

From the beginning of Liverpool FC it has been one of the dominating sides in the English football teams. It has record number of league cup wins, followed by many cup victories. The side has produced many great players like Steven Gerard who is considered to be the one of best mid fielders in the business. Now with Torres, Babel, Gerard, Mascherano, Kuyt, Keane and Alonso the team has performed very well in the leagues so far. It had a great victory against Everton (2-0) and other major giants in football including ManUtd its progress is constant and hope Liverpool wins this league cup.

Liverpool stands second in the league table with 32 points and Everton stands seventh with 19 points. I shall always choose Liverpool for the quality of players which they have and the way of exhibiting its performances. Let’s wait and watch as of who emerges as the winner in the end of this season.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


This utility is very useful actually. Today when I checked my disk space on my logical drive I was shocked to see about 10GB of extra disk spaced used up but I could not find the application which is eating that. I was confused of what to do and searched and checked almost all files on my windows drive, but could not find the application which is occupying the space. So was deleting some games, temp files, internet cookies and other set up log files which I know are not important system files. Still I managed to free up only a small space on my logical drive.

So I started to remove some files took a back up of documents to my external HDD. Then I remembered this disk clean up option. This option showed clearly which component is occupying so much space. Actually the files discarded by widows from the windows update occupied around 7 GB disk spaces which I could not find manually. Then some other component like set up log files which I was unsure whether to remove or not also was removed by this disk clean up. So it is better to run DISK CLEAN UP activity once in a while. I recovered around 9.24GB of disk space which was struck so long.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Transition a comparison

IT is the sector which has employed a lot of people and made them an active member of the society. I m employed but as of now I am continuing my life as a dependent population. In the mean time my friends joined many companies and had a mixed review about the professional life which they are having. Some are enjoying some says tough time. In the waiting time I had how a professional life after employed will be…

  • During college we shall cut an hour/day if we don’t like it and do some work which we like the most(mostly going to theaters/Beach).
  • In an organization for cutting you have loss of pay while you need to complete the tasks which are assigned to you.
  • Late night stressful project works.
  • Full time online browsing and chatting/downloading movies.
  • Any time play, full time enjoyment, and real time fun.
  • After a few year of work, getting stressed, full time pressure, and no time to enjoy.

Now that college life is over, it is time that I m enjoying just by playing all time football, cricket, basketball and all other game when said this to friends who works says don’t IRRITATE ME, I am already irritated. Of course they are productive citizens.

My next stage would be in an organization but at that time, I open my mail box everyday just to check whether a call letter is posted to me, but to my disappointment I would not have received it. When I receive and join company I shall remember these days when I m totally free playing games, net browsing, blogging, playing cricket, all time fun trips to beach, first day first show to movies and shall think wont I get back those days back again. This makes me happy overriding the pain being idle for a long gap waiting to join company.

Make Next Generation DO things Differently

Every kid in the present generation has been put up to extreme pressure by the past generation people (just a generation back) in many issues. One of the major issues which the present generation children suffer is their parents enforcing them to get good scores. They don’t care about amount of knowledge they gain but they just care for the grade which they get. This is really in contrast to the meaning and purpose of education. The true purpose of education is to make the mind to think which is not happening at present.

The ambition of students are buried and thickly soiled and blindly guided by the path laid by their parents. In the process only importance to education is been stressed. If a student is doing some part time job our society is not developed to look at it in a positive way, instead they go and talk to parents and spread some negative brainstorming in the society. If the same kid goes abroad for higher studies and if he works in part time, even worse than a job what he got before it is been told with a big hype.

It is definitely time to rethink on what is happening, many take up course without knowing what they are going to study in it after joining the course. They simply take up the course because they have better scope of improvement. After joining that course he feels total discomfort in continuing the course.

A self analysis is really needed before deciding what course we are going to study. In the same way many prefer to do MBA without work experience but what if something is studied without knowing what we are studying.

It is time that we rethink on how garbage is used, how natural resources and non renewable source of energy is been used. It is time to lessen the pollution rate, how well we use the public transport system, how well we save electric power. This all when planned well and managed well we can give a better place for the next generation to live.

It is our duty to look forward and make our next generation to do things differently. We shall not look up grades alone in education field, we shall work while we work and study while we study, lets analyze a course before we start working on it, give independence to the children of next generation on what they like to do, we need to support research facilities, and ultimately we restructure the education system in the which makes brain to think. This naturally helps in invoking active thinking ability which will invoke creativity and ultimately creativity leads to development.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Build,rather Seek, A Carrer!!!

If one were to list the career ambitions that parents have for their wards, a career in politics would certainly not figure in it. Because, worldwide, politics is jocularly and seriously considered to be the last resort of scoundrels! But what is intriguing is that, whereas a Masters in Business Administration or MBA ranks at the top of the desirable qualifications list, business as a career option is frowned upon!

There is a strong perception among the salaried class parents that being in business is like being on a roller coaster. It could take you very high in a short span of time but overnight it could also throw you crashing to the ground! Risk is undoubtedly an inherent and inseparable factor in any business, be it a purely commercial activity or an industrial establishment. But it is certainly not a luck dependent gamble, as many fear it to be. A certain degree of intuition is required for success but that is not at all a rare trait.

But the saddest and most dangerous belief that exists in the minds of the public is that to be a successful entrepreneur, one needs to be somewhat crooked. So much so that I have often heard parents declare that their wards were not cunning enough for business! This belief is a double-edged sword because it not only keeps honest people out, but also provides tacit permission for those in business to look for short cuts.

As with any specialized job, running one's own venture definitely requires a specific kind of smartness. An entrepreneur has to be worldly, not in the derogatory sense of being street smart, but in that he must be aware of current, local and global trends. Ascertain you child's potential and let him chase his dream. Cherish the entrepreneurial spirit in him.

Mobile to Immobilize

The technology has always been improving to make us communicate easily. The Mobile Technology is one such technology which has helped and made this big earth look almost very small like how a star appears when seen from earth.

The technology has found from the beginning has havoc associated with it. The mobile phone technology use the medium which naturally exist but still it causes a lot of problem to human beings

The associated technology also has a greater impact. For instance Bluetooth technology when power on and kept in pant pockets are expected to create prostate cancer in men and also due to radiation in general it is not advisable to keep the cell phone near the chest or heart region due to potential ability of radiation to penetrate.    

Extensive use of mobile phone will cause brain tumor analogous to lung cancer which a person will get due to smoking. I heard that cell phone in it low battery state produces much times higher radiations in its low battery state which causes harm to ear and make its ability to hear dwindle off.

We have reached a stage in which we cannot stop the use of mobile phone but we can still avoid some problems associated with it. If it is not confidential you can always put your cell phone on loud speaker mode and keep the phone at a distance and speak. If so very confidential matter you can try using the mobile phone using head sets. We must stop giving mobile phone to children under age 7 at least. It is better that not to give children under age 10 also. Never use the mobile phone in its low batter state. Extensive continuous use of mobile phone cause neck pain, ear pains, head ache and has the ability to affect brain too.

No New Begining To An Old End

Arms trade is the world’s most successful business operation which is very profitable one. The annual spending or annual military spending ranges about One trillion which is nearing the expenses done during the cold war period.

The cold war period was one such time in history during which arms production and trading out of outdated arms to under developed countries was quite common. The annual expenses crossed trillion’s even during that time.

Each year around $30 million are made in the sales of arms. Every year the arms are transferred to countries mainly developing countries from the developed countries. A report called Grimmett report is prepared to track the delivery of arms. The supplier nation for arms include United States, Russia, England, China, France, Germany and few other European countries.

Now even more arms and produced and distributed. In this spinning earth anything is possible. Is this an indication to let us know that another cold war, imperialization and colonization going to take place again? Hope this is a not a new beginning to an old end.

Arms can be made for protection and not for destruction. As always science and technology are good slaves but a bad dictator or master.

The amount of money spent on war , arms research and buying weapons can be used for good purpose like educating all children in the world, Food and shelter for all and many other activities.

See Also:

Tobacco :also Sets fire to your Back too

Tobacco and smoking is been one of the major causes of deaths around the world. One of the major cause of Lung cancer. Being a carcinogenic substance the probability of a person addicted to it getting cancer is sure similar to a ball attracted to the ground due to gravity.

The use of these substance has a number of confirmed ill effects which includes
  • Tobacco and smoking kills a person
  • Causes poverty(exacerbates poverty)
  • Production of tobacco causes pollution
  • It causes reduction in economic productivity
  • It employs many thousands of people, it can be considered a wasted labour.
  • It causes wastage of capital and resources used up
Many farmers also consider the plantation of tobacco as a profitable source of income and hence they tend to plot tobacco in the land which is fertile enough to cultivate food crops this ultimately causes the net reduction of food crops around the world. This adds fuel to the existing fire of global food crisis.

With all potential know causes when government tried to curb tobacco and smoking the tobacco industries with the enormous resources and liquidity, it weakened the laws which were enforced against the use of it.

What could have the been the major reason for this much huge fan following behind tobacco and smoking. Only answer is Curiosity drags them, addiction persists them, withdrawal symptoms hold them.

To reduce the theft The theif himself must realize it is wrong and similarly to avoid all problems it is the smoker who should have the required awarness.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Scriptless : To watch Is Worthless

The movies on old days had a lot of importance given on script along with a great exhibition of acting skills. The person acting on the movies olden days had a great role to be played. With the limited technology present it was the time the actor’s involvement required was very high.

 The movies like Shaw shank redemption had much importance given to reality and also the movie was revolving around theme making us think in the sense of how a person will be cornered in this brutal world after releasing from a life sentence.

Now-a- days the movies give importance to visual effects rather than giving importance on script. These movies show what is not realistic but the visual effects fill up the scenes. It is not this visual effect which alone should make a movie. The visual effects added to the script will make a good movie. Not script which is added to the Visual effects. I mean a script which is designed to fit Visual Effects will not have proper reach.


Fact file on Diabetes

One of the most common disease or more appropriately disorder is diabetes. There are two cases in this Type-1 and Type-2. Though there is cure for diabetes one must realize that it is a life long disease.Especially Type-1 has no option but to live with insulin all along.

The worst part of it is Type-1 is common among children.Sudden loss of weight,breathing problem,dizziness are the symptoms of it. The main reason for this occurrence is a microbial attack. The child might has suffered from a viral fever before. But the virus for its worst part could have ruptured the pancreas.

Once pancreas is completely ruptured the body cannot produce sufficient insulin for survival.So it has to be given externally throughout one's lifetime. Type-2 diabetes is just opposite but is the most common among the two.It occurs due to life patterns like junk foods,lack of nutrients etc.

This one can be cured by changing one's lifestyle along with exercise supplements.Proper care should e given in both the cases. Nutritious diets couldsave you from all hazards. So eat healthy and stay healthy.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Philanthrophy Epitomises In Blood Donation

When you lend something it is the receiver who gains something. But for charity you don't gain anything from it.But this is a donation in which you as well as the receiver gain out of it. Yes,I speak about blood donation.

When you donate blood you not only save a precious human life but also pump in fresh blood inflows within your body. Thereby you save a life as well as rejuvenate yours.People even those who are educated shy away from blood donation for one reason or the other.

Fear is one major sited reason. This is psychological and can be combated by proper exposure to enormous benefits of the noble cause.Accidents,surgery require large amount of blood to save the victim. Every year millions of people die due to lack of blood donors. One thing which we must remember is we too may need it one day.

Proper tests are conducted and if any only if you can withstand the donation you are allowed to donate.Please don't forget that a doctor wont kill a patient to save another.Let us save precious human life.Humans have a population of 6.7 billion;if one person due to unavailability of blood it is the shame for the race.

Blood doesn't know what race you are,what religion you belong to,what cast is yours.It only knows you are a noble person if you donate it.Be a philanthropist by donating blood.

Doctor On Duty : Patient Out Of Tragedy

I heard about a cancer which a woman had had, considered incurable by many doctors and hospitals here was saved by my uncle. Wow what an effort.

The lady met my uncle when she was said that you can be cured, but when she met this oncologist she had developed a ray of hope in her mind with the confident speech of the doctor. Boosting the confidence in a patient is one of the important duties of a doctor. Well done and the first step in curing her was done.

He analyses the patient and found his patient suffering from psedomyxoma peritoni. As said before this case was rejected by many hospitals the oncologist with the use of special drugs which acts on the cancer cell leaving behind normal cells. So the cancer cells were targeted leaving the normal cells untouched.

Along with a crew of Doctors they decided to remove the cancer from the body. So the call for the hour was to go for a surgery. During the course of the operation this doctor was monitoring the cancer very dutifully and applied chemotherapy when needed so that the treatment gets carried to the intricate parts effectively.

And finally the patient was cured. The patient was aged 71 and she felt very happy to have been back on normal condition after removal of about 15 kg jelly like substance which was collected in her body.

Dada Leads the Way : Will India Win AWAY'(S)

One of the Legend of Cricket stated his test carrier with a test century progressed up the ladder and clinched the post of captain of The Indian Cricket Team- nicknamed DADA and considered to be the most successful captain of India Sourav Ganguly retires on style. He is one of few cricketers who had retired on a winning game. He is now the 7th batsman to score a century on Debut and to score a duck on the last game. He was the one who gave the current IDENTITY to Indian Team. He restructured India cricket team.

On his way to shape India he was forced have strained relationship with few and also to have altercations with board members but he still continued to focus on the goal which he wanted to achieve. Here is what he said regarding this: “I made enemies on my journey as a captain with many but all was for the cause of the TEAM” – NOTHING PERSONAL JUST BUSINESS.

He as usual leads the way retiring from the game showing and giving chance for other youngsters. But no one can replace Sourav. All other player including Sachin could not perform well as a Batsman and a captain for which Sachin relinquished his captaincy.

Australia has an empty space due to Warne, Gilly and GM and suffers a lot. In the same way retirement of DADA and Kumble will have deeper impact in the team. Will INDIA be able to WIN a test SERIES AWAY???

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Combating Addiction

The desire for instant gratification and high income constitute an explosive combination
Substance abuse is a global problem today. This poses a threat to all as it affects the physical, psychological, behavioral and social functioning of the individual and in turn, that of society.
Substances commonly abused include tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, heroin, cocaine, cough syrup, ecstasy and other sedatives.

Abuse of alcohol, cannabis and brown sugar (heroin) seems to be rampant among the lower socio-economic group. The richer class seems to be abusing substances such as cocaine, ecstasy and designer drugs.
Curiosity Factor

Alcohol and drug use invariably starts as a casual act kindled by curiosity, peer pressure or the need to prove one’s willingness to ‘belong’ to a group. What starts off casually very often results in psychological and physical dependence on drugs.

The risk-taking attitude of the younger generation and their high incomes are two of the primary reasons for the increasing problem of substance abuse. Most of the young people employed in the newly created jobs often earn substantially higher incomes than their parents.

This leads to a decreased control/influence of parents. The desire for instant gratification and high income constitute an explosive combination.

The attitude of society towards alcohol use also has changed. We have become more ‘liberal’ over the years. Illegal drugs such as cannabis, heroin, cocaine and ecstasy are also available depending on the amount of money a person is prepared to spend. From being a problem of a select few of the higher income groups, drugs have slowly permeated into every segment of society. As it stands now, no child is safe in this world where prevalence of alcohol and drug use is steadily increasing.

While any youngster is at risk, certain factors place him/her in the high risk group. The general trend would be to experiment with tobacco, then alcohol followed by other drugs like cannabis and heroin.

A childhood history of behavioral problems such as truancy, lying, stealing, rebellious nature, and poor socialization skills makes a person more prone to drug use. Poor academic performance, disciplinary problems, low self-esteem and a feeling of alienation may indicate that the person has a problem. Because of greater susceptibility to peer influence when friends have a favorable attitude towards drug-taking, the chance of use is higher.

The use of drugs affects a person in all possible ways, damaging every facet of his life. There is a change in the physical appearance — he develops a haggard, dull, apathetic look. The problem is compounded by loss of appetite, loss of weight, chronic cough, unexplained needle marks and poor physical hygiene. The youngster loses interest in his personal appearance and all goal oriented activities are forgotten. Interest centers only on his drug taking activities.

There is deterioration in the value system. Lying and stealing become more evident. Family relationships break down as there is little communication with others — the person prefers to spend time alone. Irritability increases with temper outbursts and rapid mood swings.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Oscillations of the Universe

We all have studied the concept of expanding universe. It is said that in the initial stage every matter in the universe was concentrated in a single dense cloud of matter. With the fusion reaction taking place and the pressure mounting up inside the core caused this dense matter to explode with tremendous push outwards.

These caused every particle to move outward and lead to the formation of current universe. This expansion of universe is proved by the Doppler study and also the galaxies repelling each other. Further study on the expansion concept reveals that expansion taking place from one single point.

Further researchers believe that the expansion has limit. The ever expanding universe at a point of time will start contracting. In this process the big player like stars will eat up the smaller bodies present. Over a period contraction will be completed and every particle merges to form the parent atom from which they evolved. Now the entire process repeats itself.

claustrophobic World!!!

As the adage goes, "cursed are those who are born during the age of transition." This Chinese proverbial plight applies more so in the case of the struggling millions in the over-crowded metropolitan cities, belonging to the poor countries.

No doubt the quality of life in terms of material welfare has been enhanced for the average middle-income group given the globalized scenario. Yet what is being denied raises the issue whether it is all really worth the trouble in terms of the compromises that are made.

What is at stake is the ecological sensitivity of citizens. As a citizen, one has the fundamental right to enjoy a pollution free environment and de-congested urban spaces for healthy and prosperous living. To steam off after a days slogging st the office one needs open spaces. But in the ever growing world this is at stake.

Solitude is important part of daily life. It lets you wear off stress and be happy with your family members.But for that you need space both in you mind and in reality.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Work (out) ing

Work (out) ing:
This one word can be interpreted in different ways.
1. Work
2. Workout
3. Working
4. Outing(S).
First let’s consider about work. Work is defined in two ways:
a. Activity directed toward making or doing something
b. A product produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing.
It is not a good work if you do your work without doing any workouts. Here WORKOUT refers to creation of planned sequence of activity which can help us to do our work effectively and efficiently. Same workout has to be considered in another way, without which the physical and mental stability of the person becomes a big question. The workouts in this case refers to the physical exercises which a person does and also mental exercise like yoga to keep himself fit both physically and mentally.

The third being WORKING, working always is absolutely not at all a wrong thing. Everything needs an order in which you have to work. It is not that you do your workouts regularly but it is even more important when and how systematic you do your work. Working out the Workout in the correct time is what is working. You have to analyses your work pattern and start working in the as you determined in your workout.

Outing: It is always important. Work, work and work can’t be your life. It is important to spend some time visiting places which you always wanted to visit. Spending some money, going out with friends, enjoying the evening in the sands of beach leaving behind the stress and strain of work. Enjoying the life with Mother Nature is OUTING.

In Search Of Role Models

Do these names ring any bells? Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Kaavya Viswanathan, Chen Jin, A.Q. Khan and Jayson Blair. Well, all of them wanted to be rich and famous in a hurry and sacrificed their souls in that process.

Ayaan Ali was until yesterday was a celebrity in Holland — a Somalia born Dutch MP. Today she is on the run as things started to unravel for her when it was revealed that she had lied about her past to get asylum in Netherlands. Kaavya became world famous as a 19 year old girl of Indian origin who not only got admission to Harvard, but also half a million dollars as advance for two books and more for the movie rights until allegations of plagiarism surfaced.

Chen Jin with a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin was the technical prince of China when he said that he had created one of China's first digital signal processing computer chips. His research seemed to catch up with the West. Then it was announced that it was all fraud. The distinguished scientist had faked research conducted at Jiaotong University and simply stolen his chip designs from a foreign company, then passed them off as his own.

The list is endless. Athletes with dope assisted Olympic medals (sprinter Ben Johnson), cricket players fixing matches for money (Hansie Cronje), drug addicted soccer gods (Maradona), politicians caught with pants down (countless), ministers with fingers in the till (search Google), princes and princesses (Charles and Diana), business leaders (Ken Lay of Enron, Chung Mong Koo of Hyundai)

Dr. Khan, a Pakistani icon, was arrested for selling nuclear secrets around the world motivated by Islamic zeal and money. The New York Times reported that their reporter, Jayson Blair, had been guilty of lying, plagiarism and outright fiction for four years.

The list is endless. Athletes with dope assisted Olympic medals (sprinter Ben Johnson), cricket players fixing matches for money (Hansie Cronje), drug addicted soccer gods (Maradona), politicians caught with pants down (countless), ministers with fingers in the till (search Google), princes and princesses (Charles and Diana), business leaders (Ken Lay of Enron, Chung Mong Koo of Hyundai).

The new mantra is that life is short, the pleasures of which have to be enjoyed to the brim when you are young and strong. The media is waiting, tempting you with the riches of the world in all their glory when you are on the top of the mountain and condemn and laugh at you with equal relish when you are in the dumps. For the vultures in the media, Kaavya or Chen Jin at the highest or the lowest is just prime time meat to nibble away and pickle and preserve for another day.

But little do they realize that role models are around them all the time. They need not be celebrities or famous persons. A role model can be your own mother, father, a teacher, a historical figure, a saint or any one who played life's roles honestly, sincerely and selflessly and who will not surprise and cheat you and turn your world upside down by unveiling their dark deeds one day. It is better that we turn away from instant illusory heroes who may prove to be frauds or worse.

Has SCG - dried out

My days in SCG are the once which I over enjoyed after finishing my college. In the initial stage we had about 22 persons playing together and every match used to enjoyable one. After this few people joined company, starting their next phase of life. So the count got reduced, but still we had players to play. We played cricket till 6:00 in the eve after that Football and if we have some stamina left out in us we played BasketBall too.But due to recent rains the ground got flooded and the scope for us to play was also dried out. Now that the water in the ground has dried,but still I don't find my friends turning on to play:- Has The play in SCG also dried OUT along with the water in SCG?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Class Chess and Check Counter

The class chess is the class chess which we play in the class. It was chess and Counter strike which gave us entertainment while we were studying in our final year. The game of chess almost involved most of us and it was played like a team battle with helping hands for the players who play the game.

Counter Strike:

Counter strike is the other games which we used to play. But the difference is this being in the digital world. We had really used the lab very well for our project. Here the project being the CT’s eliminating T’s threats, while players in T’s try to finish their objective of Bombarding. The moment when the lab is opened we shall rush to the lab just to get a system in which CS is installed. This was also team battle arena which divided us to two groups and also led to the development of funny virtual game name for each one of us. We shall play it with at most interest and concentration which we shall never show to anything else. So soon we had a “check” for this from our staffs but we countered it by appointing a guy to watch out for the check and alert the “Spartans” playing.


In the plentiful chess games which we had played all the games were so friendly but really intense. It was always like a battle of troy. We all our minds were dull and not thinking it really made us to think. After playing rounds of chess, we all will be tired of thinking and hence I shall leave home with two of my friends and other shall sleep nicely or go to hostel to have a nice time. Be it anything we had ultimate fun in doing it. Those days cannot be had once again.

Handicapped by Conscience

Would a security personnel open fire on a person on a pair of crutches? Or on a senior citizen in a wheelchair? Or on a person palpitating with a heart attack? Or on a visually handicapped person? Yet on December 8 a man was shot dead at Miami airport by U.S. air marshals merely because he exposed his disability in public.

The man in question Rigoberto Alpizer, 44, behaved in a threatening way and allegedly claimed to carry a bomb. It was established later that he was mentally challenged, suffering from a bipolar disorder and hence his erratic and seemingly threatening behavior, which provoked the firing that killed him.

hile physical illnesses and disabilities are evident to sight, it is not always so in the case of mental illnesses. Alpizer, for example, had missed his medication and was agitated. All the other people on the plane, the procedures, and the snatches of conversation were all too much for him to process and he wanted to be out.

e need special provisions for those who are mentally challenged to avoid these mishaps in the future. Humanity could also be expressed in protecting people who lost their conscience.

Learn to Sustain

Many poets have sung about her,there is no playwright who has not centered his theme around her. I speak about 'The Women'. Yes she has captured imagination of many and I thought I could shed some of mine now. Feminism has undergone changes over the years as do feminine.

I don't want to speak about the atrocities against her nor I a male chauvinist.But I am a serious observer of the society around me. What made man powerful during these centuries?,What gave him a responsible position in governments?. Man has evolved over centuries,he has learn t from his mistakes and enriched his knowledge pool. But women were either enforced or restricted themselves to stay at home. This lack of knowledge makes her a less learned person in the society.

As civilizations after civilization aroused the situation began to change. Women too started learning and learn t at rapid pace. But when they competed for prestigious positions they were denied by men,just out of fear.

There is one hard reality in this. We are living in liberalized world where your sex has no significance over talent. Those who learn and enrich their knowledge could only sustain. Power,authority comes to you naturally by virtue of your quality and not by your biological division.
"Who you are,What you are,are more Important than how you are"

Articulate your Thought Process

If 'necessity is the mother of invention' then 'communication is the mother of existence'. Communication forms the basis for business, relationships and all nuances in the world. Lack of communication leads to ineffectiveness and hampers personal life to a great extent.

The importance of communication is something which has to be taught young when in uniforms, and not at a later stage in a centralized air conditioned class room by a personality development trainer. Being taught communication and problem solving skills at a later age makes them view these as tools to enhance their success propositions in their work life, little realizing that it should be part of one's character to communicate effectively and come with a problem solving mindset rather than providing quick fixes.

A very pragmatic and radical approach towards education is bound to take this nation to greater heights and would make the future citizens of the country to "question the answers rather than answering the questions".

Dichotomy-A Natural Phenomenon

Behavior is nothing but our reaction to circumstances. So there is no surprise in people behaving differently in different occasion.Some times parents doesn't know the real face of their children and may have a different perception about them.Dichotomy is imbibed in nature,the same ocean which is calm could also raise like tsunami to cause havoc.

A stone only when chiseled becomes a beautiful sculpture.Its human nature to learn a and mold his/her character as one grows. Though we cannot change others action but we can change the way we react to it.That's why old people seldom get anger,as they have chosen how to react by virtue of their experience.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Democratic Right

A leader is a person who directs who stands as a stepping stone to success. A nation however penurious be it, a good leader can easily turn the fortune. He not only carries the destiny of his current generation but also his future generation. Hence it is the duty of the people to choose who is their right leader. A wrong decision once taken could cost dearly. That why one should live in a democratic country where his views are respected. Celebrate democracy!! Cast your vote!!

Religion and Science

Science is a search for knowledge as well as a method of solving problems. Both science and religion are forms of human understanding. Both science and religion are human ways of relating themselves to reality. Both science and religion try to make explicit the world of the unknown. Both science and religion claim access to truth. On many occasions in the past as well as present, in many a war, both science as well as religion have acted against humankind.  Both religion and science prescribe qualifications for their personnel.

Beliefs and Practices

Religious beliefs and practices got its own role in every society that we know. These beliefs and practices are very ancient, predating even the emergence of modern Homo sapience. Religion is a universal social institution, but it takes multitude of forms. There are many thousands of religions in the modern world, and as many ways of expressing religious faith.

The people who believe in religion express their faith by worshipping Gods, totems and ancestors. There are some people who practice meditation, solemn prayer & frenzy mass. The great variety of religious behaviour and belief makes “religion” very difficult to define.

“There is only one religion though there are a hundred versions of it”
- George Bernard Shaw

Monday, November 3, 2008

Interpersonal Intelligence

People who have this intelligence possess an extraordinary capacity such as trying to see things from others people's point of view in order to understand how they think and feel. They are good organizers and their other skills are listening,using empathy,counseling,co-operating with groups. Understanding the models and motivations of others, communicating,building trust and establishing good relations with other people.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fear Factor

Fear afflicts everybody. One is afraid of snakes. One is afraid of ailments — particularly the deadly ones. Someone is afraid of losing wealth, losing near and dear ones. And everybody is afraid of death. These may be imaginary fears or fears based on rational appreciation of objective facts.

Basically, fear arises from deep attachment to certain objects or things and at the thought of losing those objects or things. At a philosophical level fear arises from an awareness that the object of fear is different (and dreaded) from the subject fearing it. Fear is, in the ultimate analysis, caused by the absence of true knowledge of one's own self, the non-discriminatory, eternally abiding, unchanging constant behind the ever-changing external environment.

Media Convergence

The information era has the potential to influence every aspect of our lives at the individual and societal levels. It permeates everything from the way we learn to the way we earn. It redefines the manner in which the common man evaluates the delivery of public services and also his role in a democratic society. A `global village' is fast emerging to the domain of fact from that of fiction.

Convergence, in the most common usage refers to the fusion of formerly distinct technologies, industries or activities. Telecommunications, broadcasting and information technology sectors are the focal concerns in this context today.

Convergence implies a situation where both traditional and new communications services (be it voice, data, sound or pictures) could be transmitted over many different networks. Conversely, convergence is also the ability of different network platforms to carry essentially similar kinds of services. From the point of view of consumer devices, convergence represents the coming together of the plain old telephone (POT), the idiot box (TV), and the personal computer (PC).