Saturday, November 8, 2008

claustrophobic World!!!

As the adage goes, "cursed are those who are born during the age of transition." This Chinese proverbial plight applies more so in the case of the struggling millions in the over-crowded metropolitan cities, belonging to the poor countries.

No doubt the quality of life in terms of material welfare has been enhanced for the average middle-income group given the globalized scenario. Yet what is being denied raises the issue whether it is all really worth the trouble in terms of the compromises that are made.

What is at stake is the ecological sensitivity of citizens. As a citizen, one has the fundamental right to enjoy a pollution free environment and de-congested urban spaces for healthy and prosperous living. To steam off after a days slogging st the office one needs open spaces. But in the ever growing world this is at stake.

Solitude is important part of daily life. It lets you wear off stress and be happy with your family members.But for that you need space both in you mind and in reality.

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