Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Nothing - Is actually Interesting.

I was about to write a post which will be most interesting and that will be much of a useful information to my readers. So I was pressing hard on what to write and what topic to write a post. I was thinking and thinking to write something which shall entertain my readers. So I started to write this post, searched the net for some good topic unfortunately did not get anything good. So decided one topic to write upon on my own.

It was after this huge and extraordinary effort I typed a few lines of this post. My thoughts flow was stopped by few guys online trying to disturb my work but due to the noble reason of taking this good information to my readers I further continued to write. The more I stressed I could write only this crap. And the fact in this post is that by the time you realize that this post contains nothing informative it is too late for you to stop reading this. : P. I thought not to write anything but to write something which is actually nothing is better than not writing anything. My post of useful information ends here.

1 comment:

janani said...

hey nice post man sumthing different man